
Past the Third Round Edits

I have been busy the past few days writing and editing three flash fiction pieces.  I'm finally getting a handle on things but, before the initial fear wore off, I was halfway convinced I could no longer write my own name.
Copyright Viacom/Nickelodeon
Sometimes, especially with poetry, new notebooks and pages excite me.  It is almost never that way with fiction; it tends to terrify me.  I don't know if it's because I can't see myself as anything other than a poet.  I don't know if it's because I lack faith in myself.  I just don't know.

But once I start writing, really start, it almost doesn't matter anymore.  It's just me and my story for a while.  And that's one of the best things about all of this, in the midst of spinning a world and bringing characters to life, I can almost get wrapped up in the magic.  I can only hope that others will go along for the ride.

Does writing ever terrify you?  Do you ever feel inferior when the edits start?


  1. I usually get a little worried when I start a new series but like you, once I start I don't worry about it anymore.

    1. Newness is exciting but frightening. But making something from nothing should seem hard, at least a little. It should also show us what we accomplish!

  2. I agree...there's NOTHING like getting lost in a new story!

    1. I just hope readers get lost in it, too. In a good way!

  3. Apparently certain writing beyond my blog posts does terrify me or something. I'm not doing it even though I fully intend to. I manage to find distractions--anything that will keep me from writing. I'm not even sure what to say about the edits. I don't even get that far.

    I think you sound like you're doing fine. Keep at what you're doing.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. You should go for it!
      Some people turn their blog posts into books. Maybe you're working towards it without realizing it when you post.
