I recently received (accidentally) a second rejection for the same submission. It was a bit like salt on a wound but the editor did write again to apologize. If she wouldn't have, I wouldn't submit there anymore but everyone makes mistakes, even one three days afterward.
Saturday, a copy of the speculative overseas bulletin Awen arrived at my door. Three of my poems are in the newest edition, so that was nice.
I'm writing again, but little. There's so much stress I sleep half my day away sometimes, so any progress should be viewed with elation. I am not, however, submitting at all.
I have submissions out to four larger literary journals and am hoping so much one takes a poem or two. O.K. Fine. I'm hoping all of them take a poem or two! But that's not really news as we all wish for those types of things. It would just be one of the few good pieces of news the universe can grant me for now.
I had a discussion with someone who told me he/she could help me format a collection of poetry for self-publishing. I know poets do it all the time but I don't have an audience besides the hundreds of chirping crickets that sound each time I talk to someone new about my work.
How's your writing, promoting, holiday preparation, life going?
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