
Former Dream of My Own Literary Magazine

I used to dream of running my own literary publication.  I'd spend hours thinking up names, whittling the focus, and pondering fonts.  Money (and a few other things) prevented it from ever being anything more than a fantasy.  Eventually, I let it go.

But, though it's gone, the memory remains.
Potential names:

Creature Comforts
(My county's name) Literary Review

Types of work accepted:

Poetry (of course) with visual art and a smattering of flash prose in all genres.  Each piece will leave the reader with some type of hope or light, regardless of the subject/genre.


The "magazine" would have a website, but people would receive an actual object.  Each issue would be individual cards in a small box with artwork on one side of each card and text on the other.  Or a series of postcards sent out at various times.

My favorite idea was a small booklet with perforated, thick pages one could tear out and use as bookmarks like these.  Something beautiful that was also practical.  The website wouldn't hinder sales of the publication even if it had entire issues on display.


Whimsical without childishness.  It's difficult to pin down because individual works act as their own experience, but there would be a touch of sweetness and magic.  The font would be something readable but also better for people with dyslexia and I'd research braille as an addition.

Most literary magazines are stuffy because they try to present themselves as "serious literature".  They become homogenized in look and tone.  I didn't want that.
I don't dream much anymore but, though I still have a couple goals I fight towards, I get a bit wistful remembering what I used to let myself think of having/doing.  At least it was a lovely diversion.


  1. That sounds lovely! I like Poempire myself, as a title. From my limited experience with magazines though, I know they take HUGE amounts of work and time, so you might be right to let this one remain a fantasy.

    1. I think so, too.
      I'm giving most of my extra energy to The Handy, Uncapped Pen. I'm thinking about adding online writing retreats for my disabled/neurodivergent people next year, but that might be way past my capabilities... and funds.

      Have you had a writing-related dream you gave up?

    2. Definitely. The biggest one was the idea that I could make a living as a writer right away. I had hoped, with the publication of my first novel, to drop to teaching part time and eventually be able to give it up. But the cash flow just isn't there. So, I'll probably teach until I retire AND THEN finally get to be a full time writer.

    3. How many years until retirement? Keeping another job while being a writer does have its positives. How many books do you have out now? From what I can tell, you're doing well. :)
      I think most of us hope to do this full-time at some point. Technically, I do. But, only because of the "can't work" part.

      Do you see ways in which your job feeds your writing?

    4. I'm not sure about my retirement at this point. I've taught for 22 years, but it's in 4 different states, which complicates things. Supposedly, you can retire after 30 years, but I only have 12 in my current system and I'm not working for 18 more years! Figuring all that out is on my long term to do list.

      I've got 4 books out of my own, and have work included in 7 anthologies with other authors, so I am making a go of it, just more slowly than I want :-)

      I can't say that teaching feeds my writing much, other than that it keeps me contact with a variety of young people and is a great fishbowl to study humanity in. But in terms of energy, it's a hard combination.
