
Unpleasant Topics

I often feel like I should justify writing about topics most people consider unpleasant. I should stop trying to talk others into being comfortable. Writing is about truth from the writer who pens it and how the world is according to him/her.

Yes, the universe can be a pleasant place but take a look around sometime, it isn't all sunshine. In the world I live in there is addiction, starvation, war, deception, rape and a whole bunch of other things I don't want to think about. I am so very glad there are things like love, hope, determination, compassion and so on to balance it all out but you cannot deny the existence of the bad.

A writer talks about things that may make them uneasy and often makes others uneasy in the process. They don't sweep the broken shards under the rug to avoid looking at them but sweep them in a pile and examine them.


  1. I am with you on this. As a writer/poet we should allow ourselves to write freely. Who knows when our writing will touch someone. Jennifer, have you considered joining Poetry Group on WD? We have some young poets who are doing excellent work telling it like it is.

  2. I agree with you here. Sometimes the painful stuff makes for the best writing.

  3. DM: I do have a profile on there, I think but I don't go on there. I am looking for a more intimate grouping of people should I decide to join anything again. I am hoping against hope I can find some people who feel the same as I do about writing and who are kind.

    Alyson: Glazing over the difficult parts make a story somehow less true. At least, that is how I think about it.

  4. Jennifer, go look at our group - Poetry Corner in WD. We are very kind and we have the best group of people. Every once in a while, we get a know-it-all, hurtfull critic. That person doesn't stay long.

  5. Maybe I will traipse over there at some point... not sure.

  6. hop by anytime, dear friend. and speaking of hop, hoppy easter to you.
