
The Rejection Game

Writers tend to try to take the sting out of rejection whenever possible. I don't indulge in alcohol at ALL so I have to find other ways to cope. Here are a few of the things that have worked for me (or things I want to try).

1. Burn it (safely, of course)

2. Print it out and throw darts at it

3. Write a rejection to the editor (don't send it!)

4. Read tales of author success (especially those who had it take awhile)

5. Buy yourself a new notebook (I don't know why, but it helps)

6. Think about books you hate (they got published, so can you)

7. Read other authors' rejections

8. Tear them up and toss them in the air
There is at least one more option I want you to consider: The game.

I am in the process of seeing how many rejections I can get before 2013. I put a number down for myself (40) and am now in the process of submitting like mad. I have, to date, 27 rejections left before I reach my goal. It seems completely possible but a lot of magazines that publish poetry close in the summer...

If I make it, I am going to give myself a huge treat (though I am not sure what). This way, if I get rejected, I know I am one step closer to the goal I set out to accomplish and closer to the surprise. Do you have any idea what it could be?
Have you guys tried any of these things? What works for you when dealing with rejection?


  1. Oh, and no cheating on the rejection game and send inappropriate stuff to markets just to boost numbers. This is all legit!

  2. Haha. That is a great idea. Make it a game with yourself. :)

    I might have to try that one. Though I think I'll get WAY past 40 :)

    1. I don't even want to know what my count has been since I started submissions for my lifetime. I think I would cry, or throw something, or throw something while its crying...

  3. These all sound like fun. I just stash rejections in my e-box and try to forget about them.

  4. LOL... I love the target practice idea. I actually started a rejection journal that I write in after a rejection makes me feel blue. I figure if I ever do get pubbed, I can go back and read how frustrating the process was to make me appreciate it even more.

  5. I say, save it, so when your work is accepted you can use it to show the idiocy of some agents/publishers houses. Did you know JK Rowling had 8 rejections with Harry Potter?

  6. Great post. Another form of rejection is the bad review. Those sting so much it's difficult to read them.
